Compared to me, mostly siblings semua dah berumah tangga and dah ada keluarga masing2. I dont know whether my other siblings yg dah kahwin can feel the difference or not but for me yang bongsu ni i really feel it. Kalau dulu balik rumah, ramai je adik beradik. And i really miss our moment together. Buat kerja rumah semua, memasak, pi hangout sekali huhu sekarang semua tu dah jadi kenangan. Bila keluarga dah besar, semua dah kerja and ada komitmen masing2, nak berkumpul sekali susah. Mengharapkan hari raya jelah untuk nak berkumpul. Tu pun jarang ada semua dalam satu masa sebab bergilir ngn rumah belah sana juga.
I had in my mind a lot of ideas about having a Family Day but aku rasa tak semudah tu my siblings boleh dpt cuti. Sometimes aku selalu berfikir bestnya kalau siblings aku kerja biasa2 je maksudnya xde extended hours and dpt cuti senang. Aku tengok ada adik beradik member aku sorang ni, siblings dia ramai gak but selalu je dapat gather and buat makan2 but why my siblings cannot. Tapi aku selalu ingatkan balik diri aku supaya jangan terlalu banyak cakap "If only.." sebab akan mengundang rasa tak bersyukur. Aku bersyukur juga disebabkan my siblings kerja hebat2, dapat lah dibelanjakan kepada ummi ayah.
Aku takut nak bercakap banyak coz i know it difficult to balance. Ummi once said to me nanti pun su mesti akan busy juga bila dah kerja lagi2 dengan tnb sebab ade contract dengan scholarship. Ada abang aku pernah cakap, bila single mmg senang nak buat itu ini sebab kalau ada tanggungjawab pun, just komitmen dengan kelab atau kelas je. Tapi bila dah kahwin, banyak komitmen which is keluarga kecil isteri dan anak, keluarga belah isteri, busy kerja, dan banyak lagi, dah tak sesimple time single. Tpi aku faham je apa yg abg aku maksudkan mungkin aku tak merasainya lagi so i can't imagine and cannot say anything.
But whatever, i promised to myself, i will do my best so that i can balance my time for my own family, family besar and work one day. Being the youngest in the family means that u have to always be there for ur parents. I really like the fact that ummi ayah always shared to me everything that happen in the house everytime i was not at home and told me everything about their feelings, their sickness and what there're doing. Sometimes parents didnt show their disappointment on their face. But they really hope we as their children understand, it's a common sense.
Being in this PKP season made me realised how important family is. All of us were apart from each other. How i missed all of my sibs and anak buah. And this Ramadan rasa macam sunyi je😢 Raya nanti lagi lah huhu dah lah keluarga aku mengharapkan hari raya untuk berkumpul but then Raya ni PM dah announced takleh ada pergerakan merentas negeri untuk Raya tahun ni. It was a bit sad actually. Tapi untuk siblings yang dah kahwin, mesti tak rasa sgt, but aku kesian kat abg aku sorang ni. Yang kerja kt KL and single. Sedih gila beraya sorang2 kt sana. Bujang kesepian . :p
Having a big family is somehow a great blessings from Allah. Allah is testing us by the difficulties to meet each other, the changes of behaviour after marriage and what priorities we put in this life. Allah want to know how great our relationship is. May Allah ease everything. I missed the time when we were kids. Having a congregation prayer together, reading the quran, checking each other's hafazan, cooking, playing chess/ping pong/badminton together. It seems impossible for us to do it again after this as our family is becoming bigger day by day.
But look at it positively, maybe Allah has convert all of that moment btween my siblings by changing it into our funny moment with the presence of nephew and niece.
But look at it positively, maybe Allah has convert all of that moment btween my siblings by changing it into our funny moment with the presence of nephew and niece.
In conclusion what i really want to say is guys, lets be grateful for what we have today coz it is easy for Allah to make us lost it one day. When u're still having a great and happy moment with ur siblings when u're single, appreciate it and live that moment happily coz one day all of it will just be a memories that will be missed. Okay maybe i will just stop here. Thanks for reading guys! ❤️
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